MS Stubnitz - in cooperation with Lichthof-Theater, 31.05.-02.06.2024
BY & WITH: Linda Lou Dierich-Matzke, Marco Merenda [Concept, artistic direciton, choreography, performance, dramaturgy]; Christopher Ramm [Sound, performance, dramaturgy]; Carolina Burandt & Anastasia Kriwoscheja [Stage design]; Steve Leander Oelmann [Costume design]; Doria Worden [Light design]; Nathalie Giele, Su Jin Kim [Dramaturgical and choreographic mentoring]; Kerstin Henky [Production]; Lorenz Vetter [Photography, Graphic design], Shitty Pants Productions [Video].
Neither kinky parties nor Beyoncé have managed to break through the hard core of the millennia-old Roman Catholic Church tradition. A tradition that is performatively legitimised by the constant execution of rituals. A tradition that systematically excludes women and queers, among others. Now we say: Enough with the Vatican - it is time to launch the Muttikan.
MUTTIKAN appropriates the Roman Catholic mass as a format and develops a secular counter-model to it. Marco Merenda, Linda Lou Dierich-Matzke and Christopher Ramm guide the audience - the children of the Muttikan - through experiences that attribute new meanings to the procedures and actions of the mass. Roman Catholic rituals and orders of movement are translated on three different levels: ritual-symbolic, content-related and spatial-choreographic.
Funded by Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg , Behörde für Kultur und Medien. Supportet by Probebühne im Gängeviertel.
The research process was funded by Goethe Institut and Institut Français as part of the residency program "Nouveau Grand Tour" and by Creative Europe as part of the mobility program "Culture Moves Europe".
Photos: ©Lorenz Vetter